The latest in weight loss science
Ready for some science, psychology and fun? Dr. Oldson breaks down the latest scientific research into practical skills and strategies.
How Can I Lose Fat If I Eat Fat?
For decades, experts advocated a low fat diet and people jumped on board. Surely, we would lose fat if we ate less fat, right?
Fat Free Ice Cream Is Still Ice Cream: A Doctor’s Take on Diet Food
As a doctor, I cringe to see the vast number of “diet” desserts available these days on the shelves of my local supermarket.
S.M.A.R.T. Goals For The New Year
As you think about your New Year’s Resolutions, you may lament those from prior years that remain unfulfilled.
I Ate Fries On My Way To The Obesity Conference
We’re all human, and as such, it’s a fool’s errand to deprive ourselves of our favorite treats day in and day out.
Advice To My Waiter…A Weight Loss Elevator Pitch
Ever heard of an elevator pitch? Any entrepreneur with a new service, product or idea develops and practices an elevator pitch, a quick speech designed to describe their concept to an important contact before the elevator doors open and they go their separate ways.
Genetics & Weight: Playing The Hand You’re Dealt
“I eat right and exercise, but I still gain weight!” Does this sound familiar?
The Smart Bride and Grooms’ Approach To Weight Loss
With the country’s new perspective on marriage equality, I expect we’ll see more than the usual number of weddings this fall. That also means more brides and grooms coming to my office looking for help with weight loss.
Low Carb To The Rescue!
The media is exploding with coverage of a new study that shows a low carb diet is superior to low fat for weight loss and to reduce your risk of heart disease.
Dr. Lisa’s Top Ten Snack Foods For A Skinnier, Healthier You!
Whether you are trying to eat better to improve your general health or because you want to look fabulous in Athleta clothes this summer,
How Movement Impacts Weight Loss
If you haven’t exercised in years and you’re trying to lose weight, there’s good news for you in the world of weight loss research.
Why Calories In vs. Calories Out Isn’t Such A Simple Equation For Weight Loss
For years we doctors have been encouraging folks to eat less and move more in order to manage their weight.
Smoke Up Johnny…Big Food Takes A Page From The Tobacco Industry’s Book
Is your health and safety being threatened by the devious marketing and lobbying efforts employed by Big Food?
What Do Doctors Eat For Lunch?
Ever wonder what your doctor eats for lunch? As a physician and a working mom, I find others want to know what I’m eating and how I manage my weight.
Shed Pounds With A Budgetary Shake Down
How much money would you be willing to spend to reach your ideal weight? Americans spend close to $70 billion annually in the quest to shed excess pounds.
A Healthy Dose Of Narcissism
When I talk with people who have lost 50 – 100 pounds and have kept it off, I am struck by a common motivator…mortality.
My Husband Is Trying To Kill Me With Chocolate
My husband just travelled to Europe and all I got was another challenge to my diet and the promise of a bigger behind.
Do You Really Expect Me To Squeeze Into My Skinny Jeans?
Many of us look back on photos from our young adult years and yearn to squeeze into the jeans we wore back in high school.
You’re Only Human: A Doctor’s Take on Diet
You care about your weight. Maybe you need to lose a few pounds, maybe more.
Hate To Exercise? This One’s For You!
Not everyone can wake up energized, craving a run at 6 AM. I envy those who just don’t feel right until they work out, and work out hard, every day.